Landlord tips: Painting Best Practices
April 1, 2011
Before you start to paint, rub petroleum jelly on the door hinges. Any paint splatters can be wiped off quickly and easily and you won’t have to take the doors off their hinges.
A good rule of thumb to use when painting is that one gallon of paint will cover 600 square feet on the first coat and approximately 900 square feet on the second coat.
Fill nail holes before painting or wall papering. Mix equal parts of cornstarch and salt; add water until the mixture is the consistency of putty.
This makes the wall receptive to paint or paper.
On holes in wall-papered walls all you need is a box of crayons. Choosing a matching color, soften the crayon tip over a lit match for a few seconds. Wipe the crayon with a paper towel, then rub it into the hole, letting the waxy substance stick to the wall. Wait several minutes; then remove the excess color by gently rubbing the wax with paper towels. To match an unusual shade, you may need to mix two or more differently colored crayons.
About the Author: Bob Cain
Some 30 years ago Bob Cain went to a no-money-down seminar and got the notion that owning rental property would be just the best idea there is for making money. He bought some. Trouble was, what he learned at the seminar didn’t tell him how to make money on his rental property. He went looking for help in the form of a magazine or newsletter about the business. He couldn't find any.
Always ready to jump at a great idea, he decided he could put his speaking and writing skills to work and perform a valuable service for other investors who needed more information about property management. So Bob ferreted out the secrets, tricks and techniques of property management wherever he found them; then he passed them along to other landlords.
For over 25 years now, Bob has been publishing information, giving speeches, putting on seminars and workshops, and consulting for landlords on how to buy, rent and manage property more effectively.